Stuck in Vault 4 for lockdown- as of yesterday I have to go into quarantine - Had the paramedics over yesterday for my Mum -she's not great but it's due to the tablets she's taking rather than this virus but I can't go out for a whole week - (usually do the shopping but can't do that now )but had a bad day Friday -staying indoors just means more Fallout though-trying to turn a negative into a positive -that's what I try to do in these situations.
Enjoying Fourville at the moment more talky than other mods , kind of like my version of Brookside mixed with Mad Max lol
2020 aint going down as a classic year but we're bound to remember these times.
Having a bit of a Wardance .
Turned Scarlett into a Marilyn/Trinity hybrid -beats sweeping the floor of the Dugout Inn
So this seasons Wasteland Fashion kinda looks like this (always changing and adapting ) I'll experiment again with a few of these posing mods next time this post comes around-If your stuck indoors like me theres all kinds of ways to escape be it through a book, comic, games , cooking , knitting anything - small sacrifice (if you can call it that) we owe it to each other to stay safe.