Tuesday 12 January 2016

"She Lives in a Time of Her Own"-Post 15

Jennifer Jason Leigh as the hellcat that is Daisy- glad QT cast her as she's one of my fave actresses ever since I saw Mrs Parker and The Vicious Circle- only nice picture I could find of her in this role since Kurt Russell's character John Ruth is constantly ruining her looks-but she deserves a Oscar for her performance...

much been made of Disney vs Tarrantino-my solution would have him direct the Boba Fett standalone- mind you their would be lots Star Warsy swear words like "Nerf Herder"or "Goldenrod" instead of the usual F-ing and blinding but if any bodies qualified to do an inter-galactic spagetthi western it's Quentin-
It's a pity their isn't a JJL fansite (with one or two exceptions but they havent really been updated  in a while ) but she was one of the faces you'd see in the 80's and 90's movies that resonated because she always gave a great performance The Hitcher been one of those movies (with a very disturbing scene at a truck stop)when you see something like that you don't forget and Existenz been another memorable role.
Early JJL movie also starring Roy Scheider and Harvey Keitel
As Blondie O'Hara in Robert Altmans Kansas City-terrific movie as starring Miranda Richardson...

both starred as Sally Bowles in Caberet-got kind of a more modern look rather than 1930's Germany.

But back to the present day and The Hateful Eight -interview with Jennifer and Kurt.

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