Saturday 30 January 2021

Atom Cats Rule- 11

 Lost thousands of screencaps the other week so I have to post what I've got-finally I can have a Judge Dredd playthrough  so been having fun trying to recreate characters from the 2000ad / Battle universe 

My attempt at a Judge DeMarco  the nearest thing Dredd has to a Mrs so naturally I've cast her as Nora...may turn Scarlett into Dredds niece Vienna or Anne Hargreaves as she has a Brit Cit accent.

Tina is modeling something Mickey Rourke rocked circa 1991 


    Turned Preston into Johnny Alpha Strontium Dog  but  need to find suitable armour and helmet also  transformed Strong into Wulf thanks to the Human Strong mod .

 Last few weeks my sound on videos disapeared carried on with  making vids anyhow so I can make stills like these then shrink them down to comic strip sized panel  - but not sure if that will work as well as  I hoped  as I checked out a comic made from Fallout 4 stills  but the page wouldn't load =so maybe it would too image heavy  to do anyhow - just happy to have my proper sound back

Greta Garbo as Judge Hershey Dianne Lane wasn't availiable (although wouldn't be surprised if there was a preset of her too) Only two sets of Dredd  armor and a Judge Death set  thats why she has Judges Death badge .. maybe theres a way to replicate them but i'm not computer savy -my Bogart/Valentines meant to be Sam Slade Robo Hunter  needs a robotic talking cigar lol

Very fond of  Anne the Seamstress and  Radio Actress both her and Scarlett remind me of my lady  pity  I haven't seen her mush since August  falling in love during a pandemics a majot drag.

Bogie Conversing with the Atom Kittens I was going through a Noir Period -to counter the Pandemic blues :) 


Ok a bit of Dreddout 4

Always nice to be creating and good to know theres so many creators out there -gets me through these drossy times.

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